Where Can I Serve?


What This is All About:

Everyone has a gift
According to 1 Corinthians 7:7 you are gifted by God
For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.
And GTC is committed to helping fan alive those gifts within you so that you can fulfill God’s word in 1 Peter 2:9,
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
We identify people and their gifts, train and motivate them to joyfully serve in those areas.
• It is all about the great commission Mk16:15-20; Mt 28:19-20
• It is all about people, these people are God's instruments, talents, people with needs, people who needs to settle down, people who needs God's direction, and God seekers
• The souls are ready for harvest Mt 9:37
• Our message to them is welcome home (hospitality)
• It is about nursing this passion of the great commission endlessly (John 4)
• It is about Home Coming: adopting all those who God sends us so that they can be adopted into God's family. "And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him" (Luke 15:20).
It is God who is doing it…God gives the increase but when we do our part- And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved (Acts 2:47; 6:7; 1 Corinthians 3:7-8).
• Prayer Ps 127:1says, unless the Lord builds a house, the builders work is useless.
• They should be discipled and we must take the challenge
• One of the vital essence of increase is to enable missions - One can chase a thousand…but two can do more (Lev 26:8; Deut 32:30)
• As a church we must seek to be fruitful - have good results (John 15).

Glory Tabernacle Churches

            GTC is a Multiracial, cross-cultural, interdenominational, Multi-national, Full Gospel Family charismatic church. Glory Tabernacle Churches - friendly and welcoming churches which originally began in the highly religious great country of India. For more information.


            Reaching the world’s un-reached people groups in territories, cities and villages with the compassion of Christ. Through outreaches, crusades, conferences and seminars, youth and campus ministries, women and family ministries, cell groups, and the distribution of free Gospel literature for the unsaved with Publishing of literature in local languages.


            Our vision of publishing is based on Habakkuk 2:2, ".....write it clearly on clay tablets so whoever reads it can run to tell others"


            Providing biblical training and impartation to believers and raising of leaders especially those with a call for full-time ministry. This is also being fulfilled through our associate bible colleges. Please contact us for details.


            A ministry aimed at gathering Christian lawyers worldwide under one banner for the purpose of gospelizing lawyers and other professionals. Among other things to give legal aid to persecuted and oppressed Christians around the world.

Amazing Greys

            If you are 50+ you may be retired, but you are irrelevant very relevant in God's eyes. Your age matters, your age is relevant. It is not over until God says it is over! Join our 50+ group and rediscover your hidden self, your passion and your strength. Connect with new friends and loving families.
Your fear will vanish, and faith will arise. Turn your Dormancy into Dominance.

Care Teams

Other Teams and Departments/Teams

Pastors and Ministers

Elders and Deacons

Men's fellowship

Women's fellowship

Youth Ministries

Family Care



Home Cell



Media and Technology


Praise and Worship


Performing arts ministry

Events Management

Support for Internationals

Children's Care and Sunday School

Children’s Church





Lots more


USA 4324 Standing Rock Way Raleigh,
NC 27604

Service Times

Wednesdays at 6:30PM
Fridays at Sunset
Saturdays at 8:00AM
Sundays: 7.30am, 10am and 6pm.

Get In Touch
